Hung out with the fabulous Rikki Cheese, Locq & Toxi from Sin City Bounty. February 14 Met a local Las Vegas comic: Louie Bruce February 21
![]() February 9 Lunch with moms; fishball soup #spongy #notbungholes Normal Guay Teow Thin rice noodles served with slices of steak and Thai meatballs in a brown broth.topped with bean sprouts, green onions, cilantro, fried garlic, sugar, red pepper, fish sauce, soy sauce, and whatever the heck you want to throw in.
I learned a wonderful new word nepenthe(noun) Originated from Ancient Greece, nepenthe is described as something, which can make you forget your heartache, grief or suffering. (via wordsnquotes) and I realized I have a lot of things in my life that I can classify as nepenthe
![]() My heart was broken this month. Someone whom I loved dearly, instead of bringing an issue they had to me, chose a different way to handle it. I was crushed that this was the path they had chosen. Even moreso since the ensuing chaos has defamed another person I love and cherish. I have asked myself many times over the course of these past few days, what, if anything, could I have done to engender more trust by this individual. When I have an issue with something someone said or did, I go to the source, always to the source. I thought this was known protocol... or rather, I would have hoped that this was the protocol I have tried to instill in those around me. After days of ruminating, I realize it wasn't something I did or could have done. It was a knee-jerk reaction on their part. I am disappointed. Because of the chaotic aftermath of the above story, I thought I would offer up a sounding board if anyone had any questions about some of the heinous social media posts that they had been seeing. I offered up the simple, "Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have." After an innumerate amount of private messages, and several public questions that made me pull out my dusty tarot cards, I finally had to close the thread but I have to say, it was a fun Saturday. I'll have to do it again soon. Our group held a book fair this month. It was awesome and I got these great pictures. Are You Not Entertained?Things that entertained me this month. Sean Spicer Press Conference (Melissa McCarthy) - Saturday Night Live video February 4 "It took a few insults delivered in a trademark shriek to hammer home that this really was Melissa McCarthy, in drag, capturing the unquestionable essence of a political figure whose public image so far has largely revolved around belligerence, alternative facts, and cinnamon gum. As soon as the assembled audience figured it out, they began cheering, causing McCarthy’s Spicer to berate them once again. “Settle down, SETTLE DOWN!,” she screeched. “Before we begin, I know that myself and the press have gotten off to a rocky start. And when I say rocky, I mean Rocky the movie because I came out here to punch you. In the face. And also I don’t talk so good.” ~quoted from The Atlantic News
Mom: I never known people in this country so hateful, Ohma. Me: They've always been, mom. People just think they can be open about it now. I'll say this though... you keep watching this (Fox news opinion) and it will always stay that way. They only talk about the hate. Mom: Shut up, Ohma. I like this channel. They always speak truth. Me: Why didn't you guys tell me my sister was coming? I would have rearranged my schedule. Mom: We call you, Ohma. Me: Today... I can't change things last minute mom. Mom: Shut up, Ohma. You not so big I can't beat you ass. From February 2, 2017 Mom: You should be a psychic on TV, Ohma. Me: Nah. Mom: Yeah, Ohma. Get Head Honcho Witch spirit give you some power. You get you own TV show. Mom: These writers piss me off, Ohma. Me: What writers? Mom: They burn down school. Me: Oh, rioters. The ones protesting that Milo guy. Mom: Why they have to destroy they school? They should just shoot him. He never talk again. Me: MOM!?! Later: Me: Yeah... that guy is pretty bad, mom. Mom: Then he should be shot. Me: You can't shoot a guy because some people thinks he's a bad man. Mom: Ohma, If I'm a bad person, talk sheet about people, treat people bad... then kill me, too. There is evil in me. You don't want to keep evil people around. May 18 Dinner at moms ![]() I haven't been able to spend time with moms for a couple of weeks so I thought I'd visit her at work. She got flowers from someone. She's prettier. June 18
Me: What have you been watching, mom? Mom: Hem-Hemi-Hemigo... I don't know, Ohma. Were-woof, I think. Me: Hemlock Grove? Mom: Yeah, that's it. ...later in the evening... Me: How come you don't like the Walking Dead? It's a good show. Mom: I don't like zombie, Ohma. You and you brother like it but not me. You know why? It's not real, Ohma. It never happen. Me: Mom, you watch Hemigo. Friday with moms: Ohma, who's that chef? Ram? -Ram? - Rambo! Ramsay, mom. Yeah, whatever. Aug 8 Moms: Ohma, someone come in my store & they from Chuckles.
Me: Chuckles?! Mom: Chuck public Me: The Czech Republic? Mom: Yeah, that’s it. August 18, 2014 ![]() I didn't get to see my mom on Thursday because she had the rarity of 3 days off in a row so decided to go on a little vacation. They went out to stateline but returned home without staying over because they had gambled much more than they expected to. When I saw them Saturday, it was just supposed to be a quick swing-by to pick up a package and to give Brian the details on who requested his info from my Facebook post but moms decided to cook for me.... um..... YAY! Anytime she wants to cook for me makes me so very happy. As I was talking with Brian about upcoming small job prospects, my mom interjected... Mom: Who are these people, Ohma? Me: Just people I know on Facebook, mom. Mom: Any of them ladies? Me: Yes, as a matter of fact. Mom: What do they want? So I explained to her about what happened when Brian came over and she said: Mom: So, none of them want my man? Me: Uh... no, mom, your man will be fine. Mom: They better not or I kick all you friends' ass, okay Ohma? Me: Okay, mom. LOL!
![]() Mom: Oh! Ohma! I got card. Me: What did you get a card for? Mom: I was at the store getting some wine and the lady asked me for ID. She make my day, Ohma. Me: That's great mom. Mom: Then at work, some man in the parking lot tell me "Oh... You so pretty... Mucho pretty... Mucho this... Mucho that..." I yell in the store, "Javier, don't sell this man anymore beer. He's drunk." ![]() Trying to figure out the best day to drop off mom's present for the holiday.... Last week: Me: Mom, before I leave, let's get on the computer so I can buy you that blouse you wanted. Mom: Just bring me money, Ohma. Me: I always give you money... Christmas, Birthdays, Mother's Day... Let me get you something else this time. Mom: Ohma, if you always give me money, what make a difference this time? Just bring me the money..... To my work.... So my co-worker can get jealous.... Her kids never do anything for her. I'm dropping off her present on Monday when the co-worker will be there.
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March 2017
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