Original Post: Aug 1, 2020 - Planner + Journal = Plournal - Thanks to Kell S. The month of August begins with the Wiccan sabbat holiday of Lughnasadh / Lammas: The First Harvest. "If not us, then who? If not now, then when?" "The SIN which is unpardonable Original Post: Jan. 7, 2020 - Planner + Journal = Plournal - Thanks to Kell S.
Original Post: Jan. 7, 2020 - Planner + Journal = Plournal - Thanks to Kell S. Erma's Plournal 2020 I decided to switch from an A5 size to the B6 Slim. I did stick with Nanami Seven Seas brand of books. Nanami also offers inexpensive plastic covers which I utilized to display some of my favorite things. great thing is, I can change it up anytime. My 2019 Plournal was a Nanami A5 with 480 pages of which I have over 100 pages untouched. The B6 Slim only has 384 pages. I also didn't have time in the last quarter of the year to do much of anything, including journaling, so this year I decided to make all my months up front, including a monthly to do checklist. Hopefully, without having to take the time every month to set up the next month, I'll at least be able to take a few minutes to do the most important part: to record the memories & thoughts I want to preserve.
Last Years A5 and this years B6 Slim Nanami SevenSeas See individual months
ArtistErma has been drawing she was a small child. She received lessons in chalk pastels at age 7, taught herself calligraphy at age 11, and learned the basics of figure drawing at age 13. She became a professional calligrapher in 1995. Archives
June 2023
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