Original Post: Aug 2, 2019 - Planner + Journal = Plournal - Thanks to Kell S. August 2019 DetailsAugust 2019 Week 31
August 1, The Discovery of Oxygen Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe. It makes up 21% of the earths atmosphere. It was first discovered in 1772 by Swedish chemist, Carl Wilhelm Scheele. In 1774, English chemist Joseph Priestly, independently discovered oxygen and published his findings three years before Scheele. In 1775, French chemist Antoine Lavoisier, was first to recognize it as an element and coined the name oxygen-from the Greek word that means “acid-former”. In August 1771, Joseph Priestly, discovered plants produce oxygen. In 1772 he put a mouse and a plant in a jar and discovered the mouse would survive. Photosynthesis. From JulianTrubin.com #planner + #journal = #plournal#bujo #bulletjournal #August2019#scienceinfo #oxygen #element#Scheele #Priestly #Lavoisier#JulianTrubin #Photosynthesis August 2019 Calendar DetailsOriginal Post: July 2, 2019 - Planner + Journal = Plournal - Thanks to Kell S. July 2019 Week 31July 2019 Week 30July 2019 Week 29
July 2019 Week 28July 2019 Week 27
The science and psychology of color My friend Brian asked me what movie followed Return of the Sith Lords in the Star Wars franchise and I just laughed and laughed. Ask me what Star Trek character did in what episodes and I could tell you. I like both but I’m def more a Trek girl. (Doodles via Pinterest) A couple of my favorite memes July 2019 Calendar & Details |
ArtistErma has been drawing she was a small child. She received lessons in chalk pastels at age 7, taught herself calligraphy at age 11, and learned the basics of figure drawing at age 13. She became a professional calligrapher in 1995. Archives
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